Earthquake resistance

The earthquake resistance is a key point when building houses in Japan, which is frequently prone to earthquakes. We have tested Heim under various seismic waves, including waves with 1,800 gal, which is twice as strong than those observed during the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake. Heim demonstrated that the structure remains undamaged, even when subjected to stronger earthquakes, repeatedly occurring for days.

Full-size test

Full-size test of real residence assuming actual life

Approximately the same model building to a comfortable Parfait house, with a large opening for windows, heavily tiled external walls and a wide balcony was built for the test. Estimating the weight of furniture, 60kg/m2 loads were also added. 尽管全尺寸的测试表明建筑反复受到剧烈振动的影响,但这代表着恶劣的环境, we nevertheless plan to conduct tests under such conditions.

Tests under different seismic waves, such as inland and interplate earthquakes

The Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake was known as an inland earthquake, occurring near cities with very strong instantaneous shock waves. On the other hand, the Tokai Earthquake, which is predicted to occur in the near future, may be an interplate earthquake. 这种类型的地震震源在海底,地震持续的时间比内陆地震长, meaning the consequent damage to buildings may be greater.


Tested against great shocks equivalent to earthquakes occurring within tens of thousands years

We carried out full-size tests for Heim under various seismic waves for three days. As the interplate earthquake tests, 测试使用了来自宫城近海地震的6个地震波和来自预测的东海地震的25个地震波. In four of those tests, 1,330 gal, the maximum capacity of the vibrator, was repeatedly applied to the building. For the inland earthquake tests, 18 seismic waves from the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake were used for the test. In eight of those tests, 施加的地震波比过去发生的真实地震的地震波要大. The greatest wave of 1,800 gal, 哪一个比实际地震中观测到的数字和振动器的最大容量大2倍, were also applied to the building. The total number of tests was 49. Such conditions, namely the number and scale of the earthquakes, could not possibly affect any building. However, Heim demonstrated its strength, even under circumstances faced with several aftershocks coming after the main shock for example.

Heim has immeasurable earthquake resistance.
Tests were carried out under conditions approaching the limit of the testing machine system.

Scales of main tests

Unit structure


当建筑物受到地震的冲击时,力集中在接缝上. For the Heim's unit, 梁柱通过接头件(钢板加固)焊接而成,形成梁柱一体的箱式框架结构*. Unlike an ordinary frame structure, where the posts and beams are jointed with bolts, this is a very strong structural unit with no weak areas. In addition, the posts and beams are always made to form rectangles, in order to minimize the deformation and damage of the building incurred.

Combined units become even stronger, with jointed 2 or 4 posts and beams

The strength of a post and beam depends not on the thickness but on the sectional area. When a Heim's strong single unit is connected to other units, the joints of the units become stronger, with 2 or 4 posts and beams forming large sectional areas. In particular, the floor beams of the second floor, which are exposed to the maximum shock from the earthquake, form sectional areas as large as 350mm x 150mm. 这种单元结构将能够应付来自烈度最大的地震.

Units are firmly connected with high-tension bolts usable for bridgework

Heim comprises several combined units, between which the joints are firmly connected via high-tension bolts. These high-tension bolts, 16mm in diameter, with semi-permanent strength and usually used for bridgework, are used to connect units vertically. Eight bolts, each of which bears 1 ton (9.8kn) of shear force, connect units horizontally, while four anchor-bolts, each bearing 2.2 (21.6kn) ~ 12.2 tons (119.6kn) shear force connect the entire unit to its foundations. 每一个单元和一套基础都被整合成一个单一的坚固结构,没有任何薄弱区域.

An anchor bolt to firmly connect the unit and foundation
High tension bolt (16mm)

箱式框架结构的灵活性和吸收地震能量的外墙防止了突然的破坏, even when exposed to the largest seismic motion.

海姆的箱式框架结构,像高层建筑一样,通过轻微弯曲来吸收地震能量. The external walls also have a structure capable of absorbing the earthquake energy. With this box frame structure and the external walls, 与支撑结构建筑物相比,建筑物暴露的加速度(响应加速度)减小, which resists the acceleration by its own strength.

When the box frame structure building is exposed to the maximum earthquake energy, the resulting acceleration is smaller, meaning it avoids sudden destruction, unlike buildings using their own strength to resist this energy. 因此,把注意力集中在可能倒塌的家具上,待在建筑物内直到地震停止,可能比疏散到外面更安全.

External wall

A unique external wall designed to absorb quakes

Each external wall material slightly deforms, synchronizing to the quake affecting the building structure, and the entire external walls absorb the seismic shock. Meanwhile, 接缝外墙采用垫片砌筑缝法,垫片同时起到减震材料的作用. 当建筑结构在遭受大地震的强烈应力后恢复到正常形状时, the structural design also allows the external walls and gasket to return to normal conditions. There is little fear of the external walls cracking or falling.

The outer wall materials are fixed between posts with special clasps called studs, which are designed to absorb the energy from seismic shocks. The effect of the quake is thus also decreased by the energy absorbing effects.

Using lightweight members to control the shock of the building

Seismic motion comprises various elements, including amplitude, period and velocity. In particular, acceleration (gal) is closely related to the force exerted on a building. 加速度和建筑物所承受的力之间的关系可以表示为:建筑物所承受的力=建筑物的质量x加速度. The larger the mass becomes, the stronger the shock becomes. Usually, external walls with tiles are rather heavy, 但十大赌博娱乐平台使用十大赌博娱乐平台自己开发的轻质柔性SFC板(表面富含水泥,内部富含木屑). In addition, we also use our noise reduction floor, 内部开发,没有ALC或混凝土板和砖屋顶材料,重量是日本屋顶瓦的一半. The use of such lightweight members to reduce damage is incorporated into every part of Heim.

Full size tests using real residences revealed no damage or falling tiles.

据估计,在6度或更低的地震烈度下,许多用于普通房屋的瓷砖将容易损坏或倒塌. However, 每块海姆外墙瓷砖都是用弹性粘合剂粘在坚固而灵活的SFC板上. Furthermore, adhering work is carried out in factory with carefully controlled humidity. Consequently, 黏合剂的强度和稳定性远远优于适用于现场工作的黏合剂. 在全尺寸测试中,暴露在比阪神川地大地震强2倍的力下,没有观察到损坏或掉落的瓷砖



自阪神浅路大地震以来,席地基础引起了人们的关注,并在海姆作为标准特征之一使用. Unlike a continuous footing system, that bears load via a line, via which seismic force is channeled into the ground, 席式基础在其整个表面承受荷载,地震力从表面流向地下,以保护其基础上的建筑物. 因此,垫层基础具有优越的抗震性能,并具有控制液化现象和差分地面沉降的作用, helping to enhance the building safety.

Solid foundation of Heim (force to ground is low)
Continuous footing of ordinary housing (force to ground is high)
液化是指当含水土壤被地震分开时发生的地面沉降, float in water, then sink.
Differential settlement
差分沉降是指地基不能承受施工荷载而发生差分沉降的现象, consequently causing the construction to incline.

Heim demonstrated the ability to reduce quake impact during full size tests

The figure for acceleration (gal) shows the magnitude of ground motion caused by the earthquake. The response ratio, meanwhile, 显示的值表明多少次加速度的基础被放大,并达到每一层. The smaller the value, the more the building is stable and further the damage is minimized. The response ratio of Parfait was measured as a ratio of 1.36 on the second floor during full size tests. This value is much smaller than ordinary houses built using conventional buildings. The stability and strength of Heim to resist earthquakes are therefore verified in its design.

Heim demonstrated the ability to reduce quake impact during full size tests

Meanwhile, 通过使用最新的高科技机床,以高精度制造出有助于建筑物承重和耐用质量的单元成员. 熟练的现场工人在手工工作中所犯的错误一般估计在5%左右. In our Heim production plants, however, the use of all the members of units and parts is specified, 总是使用预先检验过的构件和部件,并且严格限制从建筑工地订购的数量. In addition, specialized inspectors thoroughly inspect 250 items. Thus we implement perfect quality control for manufacturing and building Heim, to ensure it is designed without variation or errors.